In terms of epic rides this one quite sadly didn't measure up all the more disappointing given that it was our last day with our riding buddies and good friends Viv and Linton.
We'd survived the night (just) in our pretty basic accommodation where walking sideways was a constant requirement to avoiding colliding with some part of our poorly designed apartments - even toilet habits required a side on approach to avoid the plumbing and wall design ... the less i talk about that the better !
The day started with a little excitement with a couple of wrong calls from our Navigator "Columbus Coxhill" resulting in an urgent call for "Wrong Way" Wolstencroft to stretch the "hammies" and go to standby mode for possible substitution (mistakes are not tolerated lightly in this group !)
Our maps showed little terrain features for our 70 km ride which was soon confirmed as we rode inland past great expanses of agricultural land turning eventually towards La Rochelle where we picked up a number of locks and canals as well as our usual serve of pretty varied riding surfaces.

Lunch was at Marana a lively town just off a bumpy 5 km canal path. Marana has taken alfresco dining to a new level where you can eat and be in danger of becoming a road victim all in one go ! Still it was nice to be waited on and to relax in the balmy sunny conditions before we jumped back on our bikes before Noel threatened to fall asleep !
While the days temperature improved the lack lustre terrain didn't. Even Noel only rated it as "awright" !
We didn't need much of an excuse to have a final coffee stop at Dompiere sur Mer just Viv to say that she needed a fix and our treasurer to agree to use more of our "appropriated" money !
Finally we enterted La Rochelle by way of a lovely canal riding into the city where the days real fun started !
Approaching La Rochelle ! |
Navigation by Rick in City confines is tricky at the best of times with him trying to read his device, look out for traffic and signal his intentions to us following behind. Sometimes one of the 3 go amiss causing interesting outcomes - in Ricks case in La Rochelle a bus that he saw only at the last minute !
Harro also got in on the act when a turning car driver almost ended up in his lap !
Somehow (meaning by the grace of Rick) we arrived at our hotel in downtown La Rochelle abuz with activity because of some significant yacht race !
Though grateful to have arrived our problems soon started just at the point where we wanted to help Viv and Linton get their bike boxes for their trip home to OZ
Our small problem was that our hotel only had a record of 1 twin room in adittion to Viv and Lintons booking ! With the city and surrounds absolutely full for the next 6 days we desperately put in place plan B i.e. waving our bookings in front of the Mgr and when that didn't work getting Henley down on to his knees to plead !
Our Hotel Mgr moved by Henley's tears rang Booking.Com and found the source of our problem. Apparently had advised the hotel of our booking with my name both in English and in French (????)
Way too much stress !!! |
With the accommodation issue resolved we jumped into action helping carry 2 "ginormous" bike boxes back from the quay area for Harro to break down for travel on French rail. Failing that the boxes were big enough for Viv and Linton to jump in with the bikes and simply post themselves back to Australia.
After a tiring day it was time for a final meal together as a 6 and reminisce on the many wonderful memories we have shared over the past 2+ weeks !
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