Monday, 2 October 2017

Day 21 - Rest Day Lacanau Ocean - "Rain and Rest" !

Oh what joy ! To sleep in (in my case 8.30 / in Ricks 7.31), enjoy the sound of heavy rain, allow relevant body parts to regenerate (in Henley's his bum !) and in general plan to do bugger all !

Because of scheduling it had been over 12 days since our last rest day in Jersey and we were all beginning to show signs of wear and tear with befuddled memories of where we'd been let alone what we'd done !

Team Coxhill / Wolstencroft headed for the the Hotel's washing machine in the morning to complete their domestics while team Litchfield / Henley hung around doing nothing. This was a fatal mistake as we eventually emerged to chase up an evening meal from the nearby supermarket to find that we'd missed closing time (12.30) by 4 minutes bugger !

The afternoon passed with a walk in drizzle into town with Rick and Noel for a coffee where we solved most of the worlds problems ! Depite the conditions there was still a fair number of people around at what obviously in summer is a bustling sea side resort. 

While we used our spare time for important things like reading about both grand AFL / NRL final results, doing crosswords and catching up on emails,  Rick and Noel won chocolate brownie points for pulling their bikes out and giving them a good old clean !

For self and H it was Baquette and fruit for dinner having raided the towns patisserie while Rick and Noel had to brave the still wet conditions to return to town for a pizza !

With our Atlantic cycle now completed its now time to head inland as we make our way through the stunning Dordogne region.

Everything is outdoor !

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