Saturday, 16 September 2017

Day 6 - Mortain 58 kms - When Harro excels / Happy Birthday Noel !

In all the annals of our touring cycling history we have never lost the groups navigator yet today we not only did so but did it before our ride had officially started !

After overnighting in our comfortable farmhouse style cottage we planned to start early until we'd discovered in the fine print that our next nights accommodation check in wasn't untill 6.p.m. ! 

With the Minister for Back up Polices Kevin T (I can be trusted ) Henley consulted, we put plan B into action. Viv and Linton headed off as originally planned aiming for an early arrival in Vire so Viv could get her gears fixed while Rick bravely voluntered to cycle 2kms to Guvets to get rid of our accommodations overnight rubbish as per our b&b's requirement.

With Rick gone 1/2 an hour and the boys out preparing their bikes for the days ride, Noel noticed a missed call from Rick. Ringing him back Rick answered that he was lost somewhere near Guvets having not been able to work out which of the multitude of country lanes to take back. The ever helpful Noel replied "can't you find yourself" when Rick stated that he was lost !

With our navigator in trouble our equally brave treasurer Noel set off on a rescue mission with Henley and I deciding to take a short straw draw to work out who would rescue him if he got lost. 

While we were waiting for the missions outcome the property owners rocked up expecting us to have vacated the accommodation but when we explained our predicament they were more than understanding.

They filled in the time giving a little history of the house we'd stayed at saying that when they were doing modifications they found the casing of a German shell indicating that the farm house was more than likely occupied by the Germans as they attempted to repulse the US advance following the D Day landings. The owner said that a large patched hole in the side of the house (caused by an attacking tank) suggested that they weren't too successful !

Finally a relieved Rick turned up followed by the hero of the day Noel who happened also to be celebrating his 74th birthday ! One could only imagine that a grateful Rick would find someway of repaying the favour later on that evening (please refer to Ricks son for further explanatory details !) 

With Rick in tow (now litterally tied up to Noels bike) we cycled to Vire 21kms away and perched on top of a bloody steep climb. Entering the town with Henley still cursing we spied Linton & Viv who'd successfully got Vivs bike repaired and were lounging about in the sun (yes !) having having a pastry and a drink.

Coffee time in Vire & Viv's bike is fixed !

Reunited we had a coffee before venturing out of town linking up with the lovely Vire - Mortain (27 kms) rail trail a beautiful trail the equivalent of the best we have in Victoria. While the surface was a little debris filled on the up slope the downward gradient provided some really enjoyable and quick cycling. Overhanging trees provided beautiful green corridors with outward views of stunning countryside.

Beautiful Mortain Rail Trail

With the group debating about using the road I took off continuing on the trail to complete the full trail experience. I arrived on the outskirts of Mortain just as the heavens opened and received a bit of a drenching before reaching our hotel the Grand Hotel Poste. The sight of me "leaking" on the front foyer carpet was enough for the hotel staff to take pity on me and provide access to our hotel room early (if you call 4pm early!) which then allowed me to pass on the hotel keys to the rest of the group who arrived shortly after.

Our Hotel !

Apparently they also completed the rail trail but not without incident when Harro attempting to avoid a quickly braking Viv dismounted his bike in spectacular style rolling over and straight back up on to his feet in Cirque du Solei style !

After a short rest and a coffee / beer we partook of the hotels all inclusive menu with pate, camembert smothered chicken, pork medallions, various cheeses and desert and coffee amongst the offerings.

Henley devouring Linton's beer !

Dinner time with a great cheese selection !

While Henley is usually the one cracking a mention at such formal dinners it was Harro who stole the culinary indiscretion award by sitting on his butter sachets to soften them up and then forgetting them only remembering after his main meal when he stood up to reveal a chair / bum splattered buttery mess !!!

After 2 days on the go we've had our fair share of rain and cold conditions already and are looking forward to some much needed sun !

For the moment though we sit back and wish Noel a happy birthday in Mortain !

Happy Birthday Noel !

Sent from Samsung tablet

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